Scrolling direction

A new

Theory of Change

Our new theory of change revolves around the notion of feminist entrepreneurship, understood as the characterization of activities that 1- are accessible to anyone regardless of their gender, 2- contribute to the readjustment of power relations and the strengthening of women and gender minorities’ power, particularly economic 3- do not create or reinforce gender inequalities, but contribute to reducing them, and 4- are part of a paradigm that takes full account of the social, societal and ecological challenges of our time.

Drawing on the lessons we’ve learned over the past 10 years, we’re determined to apply this new vision to the individual, community and societal levels - a sine qua non for maximizing and sustaining our impact. More than ever, we continue to support women on their entrepreneurial journey, because we are convinced that entrepreneurship is a genuine path to integration and empowerment. We choose to simultaneously support activities and strategies that contribute directly to building more egalitarian communities and a more inclusive society

COMMUNITIES : Côte d’Ivoire-Niger-Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Niger, women are particularly hard hit by economic inequalities: they are more represented in the informal sector, more excluded from access to land or have more difficulty generating profits. That is why Empow’Her has set up Communities, a 3-year holistic program designed to support women entrepreneurs while strengthening the ecosystems in which they evolve. As such, it is possible to create favorable and virtuous entrepreneurial environments.

In practice, we aim to :
• support women entrepreneurs directly in their projects
• help them build or strengthen mutual aid and support communities
• and, lastly, to tackle the economic integration ecosystem as a whole, which creates barriers to entry and prevents women from exercising their rights.

By working on these three levels (individual, community and societal), we hope to enable women to participate in an ecosystem that is more inclusive and a vector of sustainable economic empowerment.

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