Incubation program

Supporting entrepreneurs in creating gender-inclusive businesses

In the context of the SEGIE project financed by the ESF program of the European Commission, Empow’Her launches a call for applications for the incubation program for leaders of gender-sensitive business projects.

The SEGIE project was created out of a desire to work on the interconnections between the social economy and gender equality as a whole, and on the sector’s impact on the economic empowerment of women and gender minorities. The incubation program is open to businesses based in metropolitan France that promote gender equality and/or make products, services, or rights more accessible to women and gender minorities.

At the end of the 10-month incubation program, the top three project leaders will each receive a prize of €8,000 to help launch their business.

For more information about the SEGIE project, check out our project sheet HERE !

But before starting, how to define a gender-inclusive business ?

A gender-inclusive business integrates gender considerations into its activities, operations, and impact.

It aims to develop innovative solutions (products and/or services) that address the specific needs of women and gender minorities, tackling issues like financial autonomy, gender-based violence, health and well-being, and employment.

Une entreprise inclusive sensible au genre est conçue pour un bénéfice mutuel, en alignant ses objectifs de développement sur l’impact de l’entreprise sur sa cible!

Here are some examples of inclusive projects already in business ! !

Meet my Mama

“ Reveal the culinary talent of Mamas around the world, enabling them to make a living from their passion and making society more inclusive, sustainable and responsible ! ”

Mama Bears

“ Because single parenthood affects one in 4 families, our association is there to support single parent families. Our actions are many and varied, with just one aim: to make life easier for single-parent families ”

Du pain et des roses

“ We target people who are far from employment – women and people from gender minorities. We offer them the chance to reintegrate into society through the profession of florist – a profession that is creative, rewarding and valued ”

Wounded Women

“ Wounded Women is the 1st Femtech start-up that innovates to relieve women in post-operative, post-partum and everyday life. Wounded Women has created the first specialised panties to provide relief after caesarean sections, episiotomies and abdominal surgery ”

WHO is this program for ?

Our incubation program includes collective and individual support.

The incubation program is also offered by our partners in Italy and Portugal. If your project has an impact in these countries, apply with :

What is SEGIE’s incubation program?

Our incubation program includes collective and individual support.

Collective activities


A bootcamp is an intensive two-day face-to-face session, structured around a series of practical workshops that enable entrepreneurs to leave with a deliverable, and structured ideas.

Trainings and workshops

Online sessions where participants acquire knowledge, develop skills and produce deliverables for setting up their own business.

Collective intelligence format

Collective formats such as co-design sessions, inspirational conferences and others to forge links between entrepreneurs and cultivate collective intelligence and peer-to-peer support.

Individual activities

Consultancy sessions

1:1 sessions with an expert (technical subject), a mentor (advice from an established entrepreneur) or a coach.

Follow-up sessions

1:1 sessions with an Empow’Her member to review the needs and progress of each entrepreneur and guide them through the incubation programme.

Cross-mentoring sessions

Mentoring sessions between entrepreneurs on the pathway to exchange and support each other based on their own expertise.

Each month has a theme representing a stage in your project development :

JUNE Mission, vision and values

JULY Market potential

AUGUST User research

SEPTEMBER Business development

OCTOBER Solution design


DECEMBER Branding Business culture

JANUARY Go-To market strategy

FEBRUARY Financial strategy

MARCH Launch

The results of the program and the jury prizes !

The program aims to help you build an inclusive, economically viable, and sustainable business model. Key deliverables include defined targets, a tested prototype, an economic model, an impact business plan, brand identity, and a ready pitch deck.

But that’s not all ! Additionally, the top three project leaders will each receive a prize of €8,000 to help launch their business.

Interested ?

Here’s How to Apply !

To apply, simply complete the application form and submit it by May 26, 2024 . If preselected, you will be invited to present to the selection committee online on May 29, 2024.

We will select 10 projects to support over the 10-month program.

Here you can find the APPLICATION FORM !

Before going, some dates to bear in mind !

  • Call for applications : May 7 to 26 (included)
  • Selection committee (online) : May 29
  • Onboarding (online meeting) : June 7
  • Start of the programme (first bootcamp in Paris) : June 13 and 14
  • Incubation program : June 2024 to March 2025
  • Networking event and awards ceremony : April 2025

For more information, here you can find the (FAQ) and here you can find the downloadable presentation brochure.