Solidarity fund for the creation of green jobs with HC3N and the French Embassy – Niger
An innovative project
The aim of “Green Jobs” is to form a network of entrepreneurial actors who will provide green jobs and support pilot initiatives to create these jobs for young people in four regions of Niger: Niamey, Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder.
The Great Green Wall is an initiative that dates back to 2005 in the Saharan countries. The aim is to create a chain of trees to combat desertification. Niger has taken the initiative to strengthen green jobs as part of this fight.
Now that the initiative has been relaunched, the French embassy wanted to develop a project to create green jobs in Niger.
Our method is based on a participative approach that combines entrepreneurship and technical enterprise in green employment.
To meet these needs, we will focus on practical cases to ensure that we stick as closely as possible to the realities. Our approach also takes into account players other than ourselves. We’ll be working with external experts to better meet their needs.
40 women players, women’s associations, smes, individual women helped
30 SMEs, half of which are run by women receiving support
50 professional agricultural organisations, half of which are run by women receiving support
2 bootcamps
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