Taking greater account of gender-based violence in women’s economic empowerment activities
For the past 10 years, Empow’Her has been accompanying women throughout their entrepreneurial journey, supporting them in their emancipation. In the course of its activities, Empow’Her has observed the many difficulties encountered by women because of their gender, including exposure to various contexts of violence (institutional, economic, physical, psychological, etc.) which limit their access to numerous opportunities and impact their physical and mental health.
It is in this context that Empow’Her has initiated a reflection on how to better take into account situations and experiences of violence within the framework of its entrepreneurial support programs. Thanks to the support of our patron Natacha Fazal Karim, Empow’Her has been able to set up research and development activities on the link between gender violence and women’s entrepreneurship since November 2022 :
Empow’Her has shared the results of its study on the intersection of gender-based violence and entrepreneurship on July 18th at the Women Deliver International Conference in Kigali, Rwanda.
Gender-based violence can be defined as any type of violence and discrimination that disproportionately affects one gender, or is perpetrated against an individual because of their gender. Women are particularly exposed to violence, whether physical, psychological, economic or institutional, in all regions of the world.
The persistence of an unequal and violent system towards women has a direct impact on their ability to undertake business and integrate into the economic system. For these reasons, Empow’Her decided to become more directly involved in preventing and combating gender-based violence, particularly through research and development activities.
Through these research and development activities, Empow’her aims to achieve several objectives :
Empow’Her is coordinating the project as a whole, with the support of several of its local partners, particularly in carrying out the exploratory study.
The results of the study, published in July 2023, will be used to put forward recommendations on how to take greater account of gender-based violence in entrepreneurship guidance and the development of economic empowerment programmes. The study has been presented at the Women Deliver Conference on July 18th 2023 in Kigali, Rwanda, and widely distributed to our partners.
It is also expected to raise awareness among nearly100 men through the educational content developed, and to train 70 people on gender-based violence, representing all our teams in France and abroad.
This study is funded by Natacha Fazal Karim, founder and CEO of Stardust Concept.
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