Feminist Opportunities Now

The “FON” project in collaboration with FIDH, CREA, IPPF Africa Region and Médecins du Monde

FON is a consortium-led project by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (Africa Office) and made up of Médecins du Monde France, the International Federation for Human Rights and the NGO CREA. The project began in June 2022 and will be completed in September 2026.

The project targets 10 countries for a total budget of 14 million euros over 4 years: 65% of the funding will go to sub-Saharan Africa (Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Kenya, Ethiopia, Niger), with the remainder split between two Asian countries (India and Bangladesh) and two Latin American countries (Mexico and Colombia).

The main aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) involved in the fight against gender-based violence (GBV) in these countries, to support their actions, and to help create a network of feminist organizations across the world. More specifically, the project provides two levers for action: (1) the transfer of 50% of the total project budget (i.e. 7 million euros) to feminist organizations in the form of sub-grants, and (2) capacity-building for the targeted feminist organizations through training, advocacy support and the development of an international feminist network.






Civil society organizations

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Photo projet FAME


Photo projet FAME

Collaboration écosystème


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Collaboration écosystème


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