Supporting PUR’s partner cooperatives in building an inclusive coffee value chain that promotes gender equality
An integrated gender approach in partnership with coffee cooperatives
This project was born out of a diagnosis of the need to assist coffee cooperatives in a region where coffee is a sector that generates significant export value.
Pur and Empow’Her’s shared vision is for the partner co-operatives to become a leading network of inclusive organisations in the region implementing activities and services to promote equal opportunities for men and women in their communities.
In East Africa, coffee is one of the main sources of income for farming communities. It is also a sector in which women’s unpaid work is a major source of inequality. It is also a sector in which women’s unpaid work is a strong vector of inequality
The coffee-producing sector is mainly run by men, while women play a key role on the farms without benefiting from the profits. Women are heavily involved in agricultural activities, but are excluded from sales activities, which are centralised around predominantly male cooperatives which has a considerable impact on their access to the income generated by the sector. Given this situation, Empow’Her and PUR have developed a programme to help these cooperatives become more inclusive and promote gender equality.
The aim of this project is to support PUR’s partner coffee cooperatives in Ethiopia and Uganda. To support them in promoting an inclusive coffee value chain. To achieve this, a two-pronged approach was deployed. Cooperatives have been able to develop and implement gender strategies with the aim of becoming sources of economic opportunities for women. Gender champions have been trained within the cooperatives to raise community awareness of gender inequalities.
Here are a few examples of actions taken by the cooperatives following the support :
Empow’Her’s action is organised over a one-year period and consists of providing the keys to developing a gender strategy independently within the organisation. By increasing the number of women members in cooperatives and integrating them into decision-making structures.
The two areas of research :
Our visible results :
19 cooperatives supported
42 Gender Champions trained
1477 cooperative members sensitised
+24% more women members in cooperatives
Non-visible results :
#1 Changing attitudes within communities
#2 Increased self-confidence among women in the cooperative
#3 Community spirit and mutual support
#4 Community benefits of women’s economic empowerment
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