FOWOSE : a tool for better gender mainstreaming in entrepreneurship support structures

For the past two years, Empow’Her has been involved in the European FoWoSE project “Fostering Women Social Entrepreneurship in Europe”, which aims to provide a solution to the lack of inclusivity in entrepreneurship, and in particular social entrepreneurship, by acting directly in liaison with the organizations that support entrepreneurs.

In concrete terms, the project proposes methodologies and practical content to strengthen gender integration within entrepreneurship support structures and in the deployment of their programs. The partners have thus developed a guide to help entrepreneurship support structures better integrate gender into their in-house practices and support programs.
The guide includes a glossary defining gender-related terms, and a self-diagnosis tool enabling support structures to assess gender mainstreaming in their organizations and in their support pathways, for example : are men and women paid the same for the same work ? Does your organization organize gender training ? Does your organization conduct anonymous staff surveys to detect any form of violence or harassment in the working environment ? Has your organization established a selection quota between male and female entrepreneurs ?
Based on the answers provided, organizations are awarded a certain number of points, enabling them to visualize areas for improvement within their structures (leadership, discrimination, health and safety, work/life balance, entrepreneurial community, etc.). Finally, the guide provides ten recommendations on the above topics, with concrete examples and challenges to achieve rapid change.
Want to test the tool ? It’s right here !
FoWoSE is a project coordinated by PULSE, in partnership with Women on Top (Greece), Empow’Her (France), Reach for Change (Bulgaria) and Synthesis (Cyprus).
It is co-financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program.


We4Change project, Get Started

Schedule at Sist’Her Paris in February 2023

The program at Sist’Her Paris in October 2023

Participates in the Empow’Her study on gender-based violence

INTERVIEW- Jessica Michel for FON

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