Schedule at Sist’Her Paris in February 2023
🥶 Le froid de l’hiver se fait ressentir en cette fin du mois de janvier ? Viens te réchauffer chez Sist’Her ! On te propose une programmation riche pour février, […]
Gender dynamics in Kenyan coffee production
Have you ever wondered where the coffee you religiously drink every morning comes from to start the day; who produces it and what the realities are for farm workers ? […]
Participates in the Empow’Her study on gender-based violence
Call for contributions : Empow’Her launches a survey on gender-based violence and its impact on women’s entrepreneurship Prior warning : this article is about gender-based violence For the past 10 […]
INTERVIEW- Jessica Michel for FON
Feminist Opportunity Now : a project to strengthen feminist organizations fighting gender-based violence worldwide Jessica is Project Manager at Empow’Her and Focal Point for the Feminist Opportunities Now (FON) project. […]