_ Inspiring Interview #1 : Amandine and Céline, creators of Hylla

To be willing to change the world at 20 is quite common. Amandine et Céline, however, decided to make their commitment to ecology a reality by creating a firm that enables them to have a positive impact on the environment. They are very proud of their project and rightly so ! They told us about their first steps, their incentives, and even shared some pieces of advice for all those willing to get into entrepreneurship! Have a look at the video here.

The entrepreneurs: Amandine and Céline, both 22, green and shopping-addicts. They met in Hambourg in 2015 when they were interning as part of their curriculum. Amandine was writing on the innovations in sustainable development in Germany, and shared an article on the concept of shared wardrobes on her LinkedIn page. Céline, who was writing her dissertation on the same topic et who was willing to get into entrepreneurship, saw it. Quickly, they developed a will to adapt the concept to the French market and took their first steps in the entrepreneurial adventure.

The concept: “It is a concept which binds sustainable development, fashion, sharing, exchange and pleasure!” they tell us. It is in fact a service of women clothes renting, in order to be able to change looks everyday while limiting overconsumption. The implementation is quite simple: a monthly subscription which allows women to rent four pieces of clothing per month, online or in a shop (in their premises at Grands Voisins), for 35 euros – delivery and cleaning included.

Their biggest pride: The entrepreneurial project as a whole: the fact that they succeeded to surpass themselves in order to implement their project and all the obstacles they succeeded in overcoming. “At our scale, we are changing things in the fashion world, we have an impact, and it is extremely rewarding. We have enormous responsibilities for young women our age, and we enjoy it.”


A piece of advise: “Get out on the field! To start, you have to meet potential targets and dare facing the market. This is how you get the best feedbacks, positive or negatives, on your project. You can do great things even with no budget, if you have the will and the motivation!”

They end the interview by a simple: “Common Girls!”, to motivate those that would want to get into entrepreneurship, whatever their age and their origins: “you have to dare”!


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